Brazil: the threat of the anti-democratic far right
The move to action by these groups is a call for reflection and urgent action. What happens when democracies provide the tools and possibilities for some groups to seek to limit or do away with those same democracies? And what tools do we have to defend democracy in the face of attacks like this one?
The Brazilian Judiciary Must Review its Decision and Authorize the Extradition of Dictatorship-Era Repressor Roberto Oscar González
Upon the Supreme Federal Court (STF) of Brazil’s refusal to extradite the ESMA repressor to Argentina, human rights organizations are urging the neighboring country to reconsider its sentence so that justice may be served in the country where the crimes were perpetrated.
Complaint Filed With the UN Against the Brazilian Government on Military Coup Commemoration
Along with the Vladimir Herzog Institute and five other organizations, we denounced the Brazilian authorities for their declarations on the anniversary of the 1964 military coup to the Special Rapporteur of The United Nations on the promotion of truth, justice, reparation and guarantees of non-recurrence.
Intimidation of Brazilian human rights defenders engaging with the UN
During two side events at the United Nations, Jean Wyllys and Luciana Zaffalon were intimidated by Brazilian officials.
IACHR sounds alarm over rising militarization in the region
In a hearing they described as “historic,” members of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) affirmed that the militarization of public security leads to an exponential increase in human rights violations. They also cautioned about the return of the national security doctrine in the region.
Militarization of the region at the IACHR
The militarization of public security is on the rise across the Americas, with very troubling consequences. For that reason, 17 organizations from 10 countries requested a regional hearing before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), which will be held on December 6.
The Internal War: How the fight against drugs is militarizing Latin America
Autor/a: CELS
61 pgs.
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Rejection of Bolsonaro’s threat to put an end to activism in Brazil
Nearly 3,000 national and international NGOs, collectives and social movements rejected presidential candidate Jair Bolsonaro’s remark indicating that, if elected, he would “end all activism in Brazil.” We explain the reasons why this represents a threat to democracy in the following statement of repudiation.
Organizations regionwide express concern over the grave situation in Brazil
Joint statement by more than 60 organizations in the Americas regarding the situation in Brazil and its consequences for human rights.
Assassination of Marielle Franco: A message of terror that seeks impunity for military and security forces in Rio de Janeiro
The murder of Brazilian human rights defender Marielle Franco is an extremely grave incident that has caused concern in Argentina and throughout the region.
Latin American State Responses to Social Protest
Autor/a: CELS
62 pgs.
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