
Milei’s government fails to guarantee children’s rights

This is what the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child said in its evaluation of Argentina. The Committee expressed concern about the official decision not to distribute food and funds to soup kitchens and community spaces. It also criticized the increase in child poverty, the repression of protests and the bill to lower the age of criminal responsibility.


Venezuela presidential election: international organizations call on authorities to guarantee transparency

On July 28, Venezuelans participated massively and peacefully in the presidential elections, demonstrating an inspiring commitment to democratic principles. This occurred despite the fact that the electoral process was severely marred by human rights violations and irregularities. The undersigned international organizations condemn the lack of transparency in the announced results.


Fiscal policies are essential to address the climate crisis

We participated in a consultative opinion hearing of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights on climate emergency to orally present an amicus curiae prepared alongside other organizations. Developing fiscal policy standards is essential to addressing the consequences of climate change.


We call for peace and ceasefire in Gaza

We endorsed a note to international organizations signed by more than 185 civil society organizations calling for an immediate ceasefire by Israel in Gaza, as well as urgent humanitarian measures.


The arms market and its impact on human rights

CELS and the INECIP submitted a joint report to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights to help develop legal standards to guide the design and implementation of State regulations to protect human rights in the production and marketing of firearms.


We filed a complaint against a company in the Techint Group for the disappearance of two human rights defenders in Mexico

The complaint was filed jointly with their families and organizations from Mexico and Luxembourg. We requested that urgent and necessary measures be taken in the search for lawyer Ricardo Lagunes Gasca and Antonio Díaz Valencia, who have not been heard from since mid-January. They disappeared after a community assembly regarding the Ternium company’s failure to make payments to the community for its mining activity.


UN universal periodic review: What is Argentina’s human rights situation?

Argentina will be reviewed in the United Nations Human Rights Council on Monday, January 23. It will have to report to its peers on compliance with its international commitments on human rights matters. CELS, along with other organizations, produced reports as prior contributions for the assessment and recommendations to be produced by this mechanism. We will also be present at the session in Geneva.


Criminalization of LGBTI+ people: petition before IACHR to guarantee rights

On October 28 we took part in the thematic hearing as members of the LGBTI+ Litigators of the Americas Network alongside other organizations from the region. We put in an urgent call for reform of Argentina’s drug law and repeal of the misdemeanor codes that allow the criminalization of sex trafficking in public spaces.


CELS files as amicus curiae in the case of CAJAR vs. Colombia

The Inter-American Court of Human Rights is reviewing the lawsuit filed by the “José Alvear Restrepo” Lawyers Collective Corporation (CAJAR) for the illegal intelligence work, threats and persecution suffered by its members over the past 30 years. The case represents an opportunity to sanction illegal and arbitrary intelligence actions and practices that States deploy against social organizations and human rights activists and demonstrates the need for clear rules to regulate and control intelligence activities.


Patents: Life Is Not a Commodity

The economic perspective that has been imposed on accessing life-saving technology faces us with a new global division between vaccinated and unvaccinated countries. A waiver on intellectual property could eliminate unequal access to vaccines and shortages.


COVID-19 Patent Waivers Are Urgent to Prevent Greater Catastrophe

A global response that recognizes vaccines as a common good of humanity is urgent. The temporary suspension of patents is a mandatory step to massively produce the supplies necessary to face the pandemic in the world and guarantee the right to health and life in all countries.


Gender Perspective, Maternity and Detention Centers

Civil society organizations presented a joint document of comments and recommendations to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights on the application of gender perspective oriented standards in prisons for pregnant, postpartum, breastfeeding and trans women, and the children living in detention centers with their mothers.


Bolivia: Coup and the return of the military “issue”

We condemn the coup d’état, political persecution and the violence committed by those who do not respect the democratic order in Bolivia. This rupture with the rule of law should prompt an immediate reaction by the region’s states. It is imperative that regional mechanisms and UN bodies initiate a dialogue with countries, in particular to ensure the right to asylum and refuge.


Regarding the situation in Venezuela

A democratic and peaceful resolution needs to be achieved and the full enjoyment of human rights guaranteed. Interventionist moves by the United States must be rejected by the international community.



A Toothless Tool?

First impressions on the draft optional protocol to the legally binding instrument on business and human rights, by Gabriela Kletzel and Andrés López Cabello from CELS and Daniel Cerqueira from the Due Process of Law Foundation (DPLF).


Rejection of Bolsonaro’s threat to put an end to activism in Brazil

Nearly 3,000 national and international NGOs, collectives and social movements rejected presidential candidate Jair Bolsonaro’s remark indicating that, if elected, he would “end all activism in Brazil.” We explain the reasons why this represents a threat to democracy in the following statement of repudiation.


Urgent action needed over US threats to the International Criminal Court

US National Security Adviser John Bolton made explicit and concrete threats against ICC judges, prosecutors and personnel if they proceed with an investigation into alleged war crimes committed by US forces in Afghanistan. A group of national and international organizations requested that the UN Assistant Secretary-General for Human Rights take urgent action in response. Our joint letter to him follows.