“Argentina is responsible for widespread and persistent violations of the Convention against torture”
The UN Special Rapporteur on torture, upon concluding his visit to the country, said that detention conditions in provincial police stations and prisons “severely contravene international standards and are incompatible with human dignity.” He also denounced the “degrading” conditions in the Melchor Romero psychiatric hospital and police violence in low-income neighborhoods. At the same time, he urged the Argentine state to allocate “sufficient resources to ensure the timely processing and adjudication of the remaining cases and trials for crimes against humanity.”
Human Rights in Argentina: Our 2017 report in broad strokes
Argentina is known globally for its hard-fought Memory, Truth and Justice process over the crimes committed during the 1976-1983 dictatorship. But numerous other human rights achievements have been enshrined in the country’s constitution, laws, regulations and jurisprudence over the years. Today, some of those are at risk.
No psychiatric asylums by 2020 is possible
Joint statement by the Asociación Civil por la Igualdad y la Justicia (ACIJ), the Asociación por los Derechos en Salud Mental (ADESAM) and CELS.

Crossing the Threshold: Challenges and Proposals for Deinstitutionalization from Asylums
Autor/a: CELS
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