Bullets and jail: Criminalization of protesters and restriction of democratic freedoms in Argentina

In the past six months, protesting in Argentina has become a crime. Those who take to the streets to demonstrate risk being victims of repression, arbitrary detentions, imprisonment, and serious charges. Police violence is not investigated. In Buenos Aires alone, 665 people have suffered injuries—including vision loss—and 80 people have been detained. We have prepared this special report analyzing the various policies and strategies of Milei’s government to discourage, obstruct, and harass those who want to protest in the streets.

14 pages
10 July 2024

Milei’s decree: unconstitutional and incompatible with international law

We have compiled a document highlighting international human rights standards, enshrined in the Argentine Constitution, which are not upheld in the president’s DNU 70/23. This material, submitted to Congress as a contribution to legislative efforts, serves as a guide to the declarations, conventions, principles, and observations within the international system pertaining to the rights impacted by the DNU.

25 pages
8 January 2024

Human Rights in Argentina: 2019 Report

In 2019, CELS is celebrating 40 years in existence. Over the course of recent decades, we have built human rights as a horizon and as an approach. As a horizon, it guides our actions: the promotion of modes of social organization that protect life and integrity and ensure the full exercise of economic, social, cultural … Continued

224 pgs.
20 December 2019

The Internal War: How the fight against drugs is militarizing Latin America

How and why is the region militarizing? What is the role of the United States? What is changing in the way police and military forces are trained and equipped? This publication contributes specific data to analyze the extent to which the doctrine of “new threats” affects security policies and has negative consequences for human rights.

61 pgs.
19 November 2018

The state of economic, social and cultural rights in Argentina

This document compiles the information sent to the UN committee evaluating Argentina’s compliance with its obligations under the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. In a context of economic crisis, fiscal adjustment and preexisting structural limitations, the outlook is worrisome.

10 pgs.
18 September 2018

The right to privacy in the digital age

The International Network of Civil Liberties Organizations (INCLO) submitted its reflections on the challenges posed by privacy in the digital age to the UN Human Rights Committee.

11 pgs.
20 April 2018

Human Rights in Argentina: 2017 Report

This is the twenty-first report on human rights in Argentina edited by the Center for Legal and Social Studies (CELS). It is being presented at a very particular time, since a number of decisions, measures and events are adversely affecting critical items on the human rights agenda as well as protection mechanisms.

285 pgs.
23 November 2017

National Consensus for Decent Habitat

The National Consensus for Decent Habitat proposes a broad and critical debate and the implementation of ten policies and strategies aimed at guaranteeing the right to adequate urban and rural habitat in Argentina.

14 pgs.
7 June 2017